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why us?

League of Linguists is an enterprise where language forms the first, second, third, and last parts of all undertakings.


And on the subject of language, we consider ourselves as nerds, aficionados, obsessives, bookworms, eggheads, walking encyclopaedias, pedants, fanatics, and brainiacs.


But we are also very human – as a family-run business, we understand life – on the commercial level as well as privately.


By selecting us, you opt not only for an enterprise with a personality, but also for sustainability, flexibility, openness, and fairness:


Firstly, let’s talk about sustainability:

the money you spend does not get lost in administration and overheads; instead, we put everything in to improving the lives of those that live and work with us.


That allows us the greatest amount of flexibility:

we do not employ rigid template procedures like the larger language enterprises, so we operate on a much more personalised basis. All of our undertakings are uniquely centred around your needs,


which means we can work with openness:

we will always tell you the truth. In our professional capacity we do not seek popularity or approval, but we do give sound, honest and measured advice, and follow up with balanced proposals if necessary.


This brings us to fairness:

we believe that you get what you pay for. Today’s technology provides us with excellent tools, but we inject your communication with a touch of humanity. We are there to guide you, advise you, sympathise with you, and when necessary, praise you – or the opposite!


But you are in charge of your destiny - we just make sure you get there.


So choose us, and be certain that you are working with the right people.

Check out our portfolios

Raymond Goslitski          Kirsten Boddaerd
Contact us

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Contact us:

  • Skype ID: LoLinguists
  • Facebook


86-90 Paul Street
London EC2A 4NE
United Kingdom

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